San Diego State University Herbarium (SDSU)

Publications utilizing and citing specimens from the SDSU Herbarium

Simpson, M. G. and D. A. York. 2024. Cryptantha whippleae (Boraginaceae), a new serpentine-adapted species endemic to northern California, U.S.A.
      PhytoKeys 247: 155–172.
Simpson, M. G., L. M. Simpson, and J. André. 2024. Cryptantha acrimuricata (Boraginaceae), a distinctive new taxon of series Muricatae.
      Phytokeys 250: 193–213.

Simpson, M. G. and L. Gross. 2023. Noteworthy Collection: Cryptantha crassisepala (Torrey & A.Gray) Greene var. elachantha I.M.Johnston.
      Madroño 70:4–8.

Simpson, M. G., R. Vanderhoff, J. Bailey, F. Roberts, M. Mulligan, J. P. Rebman, N. Walsh, and M. Koekemoer. 2023. Taxonomic identity of a
      recently naturalized Senecio species in California. Madroño 69:286–298.
Moroni, P. and M. G. Simpson. 2022. Revisión taxonómica del genero Johnstonella (Boraginaceae s. str.) en la Argentina. Darwiniana Nueva
      Serie 10:260–270.
Rebman, J. P. and M. G. Simpson. 2022. Three new species of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae) from the Southern Channel Islands of California.
      Madroño 69: 111-134.
Simpson, M. G., K. Hasenstab-Lehman, M. Mabry, and M. Muñoz. 2022. Johnstonella punensis (Boraginaceae), a new species endemic to the
      dry Puna of Chile. PhytoKeys 197:149–164.

Simpson, M. G. and J. P. Rebman. 2021. A new species of Cryptantha restricted to dunes in northwestern Baja California, Mexico.
      Madroño 68:127-137.
Simpson, M. G. and J. P. Rebman. 2021. Research in Boraginaceae: A new variety of Cryptantha maritima, Cryptantha pondii resurrected,
      and Johnstonella echinosepala transferred back to Cryptantha. Phytotaxa 509:185–210.
Yost, J. M., K. D. Pearson, J. Alexander, E. Gilbert, L. A. Hains, T. Barry, R. Bencie, P. Bowler, B. Carter, R. E. Crowe, E. Dean, J. Der, A. Fisher, K.
      Fisher, L. Flores-Renteria, C. M. Guilliams, C. Hatfield, L. Hendrickson, T. Huggins, L. Janeway, C. Lay, A. Litt, S. Markos, S. J. Mazer, D. Mccamish,
      L. Mcdade, M. Mesler, B. Mishler, M. Nazaire, J. Rebman, L. Rosengreen, P. W. Rundel, D. Potter, A. Sanders, K. C. Seltmann, M. G. Simpson,
      G. A. Wahlert, K. Waselkov, K. Williams, and P. S. Wilson. 2020. The California Phenology Collections Network: Using digital images to investigate
      phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot. Madroño 66:130-141.

Simpson, M. G. and R. B. Kelley. 2020. Cryptantha. Pp. 394-403 in T. J. Stephen C. Meyers, Katie E. Mitchell, Tanya Harvey & Linda K. Hardison (ed.),
      Flora of Oregon. Volume 2: Dicots A-F. Brit Press, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas.
Simpson, M. G., J. Stephens, and S. Yang. 2020. Noteworthy Collections: Johnstonella angelica (I.M.Johnston) Hasenstab & M.G.Simpson.
      Madroño 67:5-8.

Benet-Pierce, N. and M. G. Simpson. 2019. The taxonomy of Chenopodium hians, C. incognitum, and ten new taxa within the narrow-leaved
group in western North America, with special attention to California. Madroño 66:56–75.
Simpson, M. G., M. E. Mabry, and K. Hasenstab-Lehman. 2019. Transfer of four species of Cryptantha to the genus Johnstonella (Boraginaceae).
      Phytotaxa 425:279–289.

Mabry, M. E.* and M. G. Simpson. 2018. Evaluating the monophyly and biogeography of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae). Systematic Botany 43: 53-76.

Aerne, L. and M. G. Simpson. 2017. Vegetative anatomy of the Haemodoraceae and its phylogenetic significance.
     International Journal of Plant Sciences 178: 117-156.
Benet-Pierce, N. and M. G. Simpson. 2017. Taxonomic recovery of the species in the Chenopodium neomexicanum complex and description of
    Chenopodium sonorense
sp. nov. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 144: 339-356.
Guilliams, M. C.*, K. Hasenstab-Lehman*, M. Mabry* and M. G. Simpson. 2017. Memoirs of a frequent flier: Phylogenomics reveals 18 long-distance
    dispersals between North America and South America in the popcorn flowers (Amsinckiinae, Boraginaceae).
    American Journal of Botany 104: 1717-1728.
Simpson, M. G., C. M. Guilliams*, K. E. Hasenstab-Lehman*, M. E. Mabry*, and L. Ripma*. 2017. Phylogeny of the popcorn flowers: Use of genome
    skimming to evaluate monophyly and interrelationships in subtribe Amsinckiinae (Boraginaceae). Taxon 66: 1406–1420.
Simpson, M. G. and R. B. Kelley. 2017. Cryptantha nevadensis var. rigida elevated to species with a new name, C. juniperensis.
    Phytotaxa 295: 227-236.


Mabry, M. E.*, R. A. Dowdy*, L. M. Simpson, J. P. Rebman, and M. G. Simpson. 2016. Taxonomy of the winged popcorn flower: Cryptantha pterocarya
(Boraginaceae). Phytotaxa 253:97-130. (pdf)
McCabe, S. W., M. W. Dodero, and M. G. Simpson. 2016. Dudleya hendrixii A New, Rare Species From Colonet Mesa, Baja California.
    Madroño 63: 359-365.
Simpson, M. G., L. M. Simpson, and J. P. Rebman. 2016. A new, large-flowered variety of Eremocarya micrantha (Boraginaceae). Madroño 63: 39-54.

Benet-Pierce, N. and M. G. Simpson. 2014. The taxonomy of Chenopodium desiccatum and C. nitens, sp. nov.
   Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 141:161-172.
Rebman, J. P. and M. G. Simpson. 2014. Checklist of the Vascular Plants of San Diego County, 5th edition. San Diego Natural
     History Museum Publications. (link)

Ripma, L.*, M. G. Simpson, and K. Hasenstab-Lehman*. 2014. Geneious! Simplified genome skimming methods for
   phylogenetic systematic studies: A case study in Oreocarya (Boraginaceae). Applications in Plant Sciences 2: 1400062.
   doi: 10.3732/apps.1400062 (pdf).
Simpson, M. G., R. Dowdy*, J. P. Rebman, R. B. Kelley, and L. M. Simpson. 2014. The recognition of two species in
   Eremocarya (Boraginaceae): Evidence from fornix bodies, nutlets, corolla size, and biogeography. Madroño 61: 259–275.

Guilliams, C. M.*, B. A. Veno, M. G. Simpson, and R. B. Kelley. 2013. Pectocarya anisocarpa, a new species of Boraginaceae,
     and a revised key for the genus in western North America. Aliso 31: 1-13.
Silveira, M.* and Simpson, M. G. 2013. Phylogenetic systematics of the mesa mints: Pogogyne (Lamiaceae).
     Systematic Botany 38: 792-794.
Simpson, M. G., J. P. Rebman, K. E. Hasenstab-Lehman, C. M. Guilliams, and P. McConnell. 2013. Cryptantha wigginsii
(Boraginaceae): A presumed extinct species rediscovered. Madroño 60(1): 24-34.
Simpson, M. G. and J. P. Rebman. 2013. A new species of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae) from the Sierra de San Pedro Mártir,
     Baja California, Mexico. Madroño 60(1): 35-45.
Yost, J. M., M. Bontrager, S. McCabe, D. Burton*, M. G. Simpson, K. M. Kay, and M. Ritter. 2013. Phylogenetic relationships
     and evolution in Dudleya (Crassulaceae). Systematic Botany 38: 1096-1104.

Dodero, M. W.* and M. G. Simpson. 2012. Dudleya crassifolia (Crassulaceae), a new species from northern Baja California,
     Mexico. Madroño 59: 223-229.
Hasenstab-Lehman, Kristen E.* and M. G. Simpson. 2012. Cat’s Eyes and Popcorn Flowers: Phylogenetic Systematics of the
     Genus Cryptantha s.l. (Boraginaceae). Systematic Botany 37: 738–757.
Kelley, R. B., M. G. Simpson, and K. E. Hasenstab. 2012. Cryptantha. Pp. 455-468 in B. G. Baldwin, D. H. Goldman, D. J. Keil, R. Patterson,
     T. J. Rosatti, and D. H. Wilken (eds.), The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California. Second Edition. University of California Press, Berkeley,
     Los Angeles, London.
Silveira, M., M. G. Simpson, and J. D. Jokerst. 2012. Pogogyne. Pp. 850-851 in B. G. Baldwin, D. H. Goldman, D. J. Keil, R. Patterson, T. J. Rosatti,
     and D. H. Wilken (eds.), The Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California. Second Edition. University of California Press, Berkeley, Los Angeles,

Guilliams, C. M.*, Simpson, M. G., and J. P. Rebman. 2011. Calyptridium parryi var. martirense (Montiaceae), a new taxon endemic to the
     Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, Mexico. Madroño 58(4): 258-266.

Benet-Pierce, N. and M. G. Simpson. 2010. Chenopodium littoreum (Chenopodiaceae): a new goosefoot from dunes of
     south-central coastal California. Madroño 57: 64–72.
Simpson, M. G., M. Silveira*, and C. M. Guilliams.* 2010. Taxonomy of Calyptridium parryi (Montiaceae). Madroño 57: 154-160.

Simpson, Michael G. and Kristen E. Hasenstab*. 2009. Cryptantha of Southern California. Crossosoma 35: 1-59.
Pierce, Nuri and Michael G. Simpson. 2009. Polyaperturate pollen types and ratios of heteromorphism in the monocot genus
     Conostylis R. Br. (Haemodoraceae). Australian Systematic Botany 22: 1-15.

Hargrove, Lori and Michael G. Simpson. 2003. Ultrastructure of heterocolpate pollen in Cryptantha (Boraginaceae).
      International Journal of Plant Sciences 164(1): 137-151.

Marsden, Kim L.* and Michael G. Simpson. 1999. Eryngium pendletonensis (Apiaceae), a new species from southern California.
     Madroño 46(1): 55-58.

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